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quantity production中文是什么意思

用"quantity production"造句"quantity production"怎么读"quantity production" in a sentence


  • 产量
  • 成批生产
  • 大量生产, 大批生产, 批量生产
  • 大批生产;批量生产
  • 量产
  • 批量生产


  • The capability to do the businesses of design and plants quantity production of molds
    2 、承接模具设计制造3 、机床维修
  • Expand processing capability and capacity transformed to technique - intensive and diverse - small quantity production style
  • 3 . the success of db935 development will set the foundation of process and technics standard for company quantity production
    3 、 db935的封装成功,将为公司批量生产db935奠定了生产流程和工艺标准的基础。
  • Gencral purpose single gun manual turntable suction - type dry blast machine . suitable for the small quantity production of small - sized workpicces
  • Therefore , how to effectively eliminate working vibration problem becomes an important factor that whether the washing machine with integrated shell and barrel can be of practical use and large quantity production or not
  • The concept of the washing machine with integrated shell and barrel has not been under practical use and large quantity production byrestriction from its vibration absorber system since it was put forward in the 1970s
  • The research and development success of this vibration absorber system indicates that the full - automatic wave - wheel washing machine with integrated shell and barrel has entered the period of practicality and quantity production
  • Abstract : a user - base computer - aided process planning ( capp ) system model is introduced which is aimed at machining various parts in small quantity production . several problems , such as part information encoding methods are discussed in detail
  • In this experiment , gene cloning , sequence analysis and construction of expression vector of goat fsh were fist studied . this work initiated the basic research of recombinant goat fsh which supplied the theoretic basis and experiment references to its quantity production and application
用"quantity production"造句  


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